I neeeeed to Get More Sales for this month's Year END Closing!!!
*High Priority!!*
Then I can get my Big FAT Pocket!!! *grins*
So Pls Wish me lotssss of LUCK & Blessings!!
-need them loads now!-
Below's pic is our after Yoga Dinner~~~ *keke*
Thur, 18th June!~~~
CAJ's Coffee Club Yummy Dinner!
And Our SinFUL MUD-PIE!! ;) * * * Friday, 19th June~~~ Chilling at DF!~~~ .Jolene.Nes.Candy. -my dearies- =) *Drink* *Drank* *Drunk* * * We were having our intimate moments tgt! *haha* CAJ smooches~~~ ;P THIS pic is the BEST!!! -OMG, I loook so ugly down here- =/
All high, gone, drunk! =D
Who wouldnt?
Esp: after 2 Larmbos, vodka shots, Henessey Coke etc~~~ *lolz*
And who is the MASTERMIND?
-Mr Sherwin aka Ah Win!!!-
Still, he is my BEST Buddy! =)
I felt that I was celebrating my birthday dat night...
So much liquor & just drinking like there's no tomorrow.
I din even puke at all.
-cos if I drank over limit,
I will definitely PUKE like whatever...
So does it mean I did not drink till my limit?
-shakes head-
*I dun think so*
But I did had A Bad hangover the next day,
which lasted till SUNDAY! *pouts*
* And moreover,
the next day(Sat),
went to attend my niece's Baby Shower in the evening~~~
Baby Kevilyn is One Month Old! :)Little Chocolate Cupcakes forming Kevilyn's Name!
-and they were Yummy too!-
(from Sweetest Moments)
Miss Sabrina & the Mommy is in Red~~~ =pLittle Kevilyn nestled in my arms~~~
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Nesnes World
The Girl
Agnes aka Nes ● 27 as of 22.08.82.
● Born in a Cusp-- Leo + Virgo.
● Happy-go-Lucky, Bubbly, Notti.
● Her Dream is To be in a Hot-air Balloon with her Love.